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XISS Library has been named as "Fr. Michael Albert Windey SJ Memorial Library", in memory of the founder Director of XISS. The library accommodates a variety of resources in print and digital forms. In print, books are available in different areas of Human Resource, Marketing, Finance, and Rural Management. The entire collection is arranged according to a classification scheme, making it easy and time saving to locate them. Along with the books, the library also subscribes to national and international Journals, magazines, and newspapers. In e-resources, we have subscribed to valuable databases like EBSCO Business Source Elite, EBSCO E-book Core Collection, Labour Law Reporter Online Library, SAGE Business Case studies with teaching notes, etc. Other online platforms are Economic and Political Weekly, online magazines, SAGE online journals (national and international), etc.
The library is fully automated with the Library Management System “KOHA”. Using the software all the routine work of the library is done effectively and efficiently and the computerized services offered to the users help them locate resources at their fingertips. Thus, the knowledge resources and the latest digital facilities and computers help the academic communities in their intellectual pursuits.
Fr. Michael Albert Windey SJ Memorial Library has a new extension named, “Dr. K S Singh Tribal Resource Centre” (DKSSTRC) for outside academicians, research scholars, and postgraduate students. This program is also open to alumni, former employees, and emeritus professors. The main purpose of this program is to promote research-based education, develop research excellence, and connect with the surrounding scholarly communities.
Dr. Kumar Suresh Singh (1933-2006), an Indian Administrative Service Officer, served as a commissioner of Chotanagpur (1978-80) and Director General of the Anthropological Survey of India. He is known principally for his oversight and editorship of the people of India survey and for his studies of tribal history.
The Resource Centre covers the donated collection of Dr. Kumar Suresh Singh, approximately 3500 books, more than 400 manuscripts, and handwritten and typed notes of Dr. K.S. Singh on a range of topics including Birsa Munda, Tribal Movements, Tribal Society, etc. The Resource Centre is in the process of digitalizing the entire Centre for people to access from across the world.